Consentful Interface:
I Want Your Undivided Attention
This project is built upon my experimental camera project, which set out to comment on the distractive nature of the world we live in right now and the constant distractedness of ourselves. Firstly, I added a consentful page in the beginning, where it states clearly what the users are allowing the page to do if they opt in and that their privacy is secured by it not storing any data from them. It asks for the users’ permission to turn on their camera instead of them being taken by surprise seeing their camera automatically turned on upon opening the page. Not only that, I also gave them the option to turn off their webcam anytime during their interaction with the camera, as well as the option to quit the camera page and go back to the homepage.

I first sketched out the user flow of this interface, and then moved on the work on the UI design aspect of it. While making it in p5js, I made several tweaks to the original flow in order to make the page more economical and visually appealing. Using DOM was something totally new to me, so I had to look things up on the Internet. I realized that people do things very differently — such as setting a default radio value — and figured it has to do with their different setups in the HTML file. Fortunately, after a few tries and fails, I managed to make it work in my case.
This project was assisted by the lectures & tutorials give by Katherine Moriwaki & Xin Xin.